OMG! The “Trump-Haters” Abound, And Not a Thing To Credit The Elections.

 Oh boy! Two days after the election results are finalized, and WHOA! This mis-info, dis-info, and every type of psychological manipulation ever imaged is being played out in these united states.

I did not see this much hatred with the loss of Albert Gore’s run.

Did not see this much hatred with James E. Carter’s loss of s second-term bid.

Did not see this much hatred with George Herbert Walker Bush’s bid for a second-term.

WTF, boys and girls!!!

Have we truly lost all sense of reason and dignity, that we have folks even vowing to to work against the new President-Elect – EVEN by “Republican” members of BOTH Houses of Congress?!?!?

What’s more,

What about all the stupid, asinine death threats – all over an election result? – I even got a good look at the election results map of the united states. Ya know, the one that is color-coded as in Red for “conservative” (or Republican) and Blue for “liberal” (Democrat)? ? ? – Seems pretty clear cut-and-dried to me! A majority of America’s People (to include many African-Americans, Hispanics, and others) have voted in droves in the hopes for REAL CHANGE! The election results could be given as a sign that “America is FED-UP with the sour direction this once harmonious country has been heading, for at LEAST (28) twenty-eight years!” The past “leadership” has been leading us all down the drain, and into absolute despotism.

This election result was made possible by enough People saying, “We are SICK and TIRED of going nowhere but DOWN!”

And now,

The “other party’s” favorites (mainly, ones who have benefited most from all the hand-outs, paid for by OTHER PEOPLE’s MONEY) are fearing the absolute worst, by – behaving their worst! – Such sick, twisted, demented, and immature children, who need to grow up and start seriously thinking, WHAT it is that will help this Nation heal from the wounds of the past (and some, not-too-distant past), and HOW “WE” (together), can make this country a proud place to live in again. (George Soro’s, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, et al – need NOT apply!)

As I said before,

I am not for counting this as a full victory yet.

Mr. Trump, You will have to prove to me, and many others, that WE, THE PEOPLE, placed our faith and confidence in the right Being, for the job as President of the United States. I would have personally trusted Dr. Jill Stein a little more, but I am sooo relieved that the Bush-Clinton Dynasty may FINALLY be done, and on the way out!

BTW, America:

Just because you voted, and your vote just happened to be one of the winning side,

Does NOT mean your (collectively “OUR”) responsibilities are over and done with! The VOTE, is only the first step, from a series of steps, to helping revitalize our great Nation. Our “collective homework” begins by making sure the reasons for our votes are honored, respected, and OBEYED. We, The People are supposed to be the guarantors of our freedoms and liberties. The “elected” are supposed to support that which We, The People have ordained, in line and thinking of the original intent of these United States of America, and the reasons of its founding!

In other words,

DO NOT GO BACK TO SLEEP AND FORGET YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES! WE, need to make damned sure that our “votes” were not in vain.

Thank you, and good day!

— Rev. Dragon’s Eye


A Soul’s Journey: My Interpretation of the Development of Soul.

A figured this would be a good time to write about what I have learned,

Through personal experiences, the journey of the Soul, from one Life to the next.

My particular beliefs about the Soul, Spirit, and all the other possible “bodies”, physical and non-physical, differ greatly from most of today’s known (and a few not-so-known) spiritual “systems”: I view the “spirit” and the “soul” as two different aspects that coexist from beginning to end.

One, the Spirit, is what we start off with, as human beings start off life as an infant –

With only a minimal vestige or “budding” of personality traits, characteristics, or whatever means to describe them. Everything has Spirit as its inner-dimensional existence. All Spirit(s) have a particular vibration that resonates within and without the known (and again, not-so-known) Cosmos (by “cosmos”, I mean far greater an expression than simply “universe” – IE: “everything”). The Spirit is the starting point or “template” in which to build upon the various experiences and knowledge attained through the steps (or “lives”) one travels.

The Soul, is that which becomes the uniqueness and “personality” (for lack of a better descriptor) worn by the particular Spirit.

The Soul becomes the vast accumulation of experiences, feelings, knowledge, and general other individualistic characteristics that identify this Spirit as an individual reflection of what we may think of as “God”. Just as each star, sun, grain of sand on a beach, can be as unique to one another – so can the various “reflections of God” we call “Soul”. The Spirit accumulates this make up of a “personality” as in “building a Soul”. The Soul is the individualized aspect of that singular piece of Spirit. The Soul becomes, as its own unique Cosmic Vibration.


I can hear the various chorus calls of how I am “wrong” and there is “no degree of separation” of Spirit. This is the usual “establishment-oriented” religious dogma that plagues humanity with this “there is no such thing as individuality” mode. Well, I say they are not truly exploring that realm of individuality to experience it for themselves. Most of them will never venture into that “unknown territory”, because they are constantly gerded against such thoughts by their dogmatic teachers! Yes, we are all from the same origin, but like the proverbial “child”, we eventually must mature, and begin the journey towards individualizing and exploring the realms of the Spiritual unknown, IE: Individuality. The child eventually leaves “home” when it grows up and matures, to start a new life of its own – and start a new family. That newly-“emancipated” adult becomes responsible for its own actions, reaction from those actions, and recreating new realities.

The idea of “reincarnation” and “schooling through multiple lives”.

One late night radio program had a very interesting guest on it.

Though I have long forgotten his name, he said a very catchy and startling phrase that rang loudly within me: “Schoolhouse Earth“! It made a lot of sense to me in that “life” is all about learning. One of the greatest teachers one has (and, I am pretty sure that every “living thing” has this as a teacher) in Life is experience. Experience, each and every instance, event, and reaction, has a lot to teach us about our travels in “life”. No other teaching or education “system” can compare, let alone parallel what experience can teach us, and to such great depths of knowledge. Experience is they only teacher of a thing called: “Wisdom”. No other teacher can “give” wisdom. Only the individual learning through hard-earned experience. Other teachers can give tools, methods, and basic examples, but experience is gained by actually learning to use them well (That’s Wisdom).


Those who acknowledge reincarnation as part of “life” and pure existence,

See the purpose behind multiple, different lives, and how each “life” adds to the ever-growing collection of “lifetime experiences” of the Soul. The Spirit passes through everything, and beyond anything including “time”. The Soul, gets progressively more-defined, and more individualistic in its Cosmic Vibration(s). Each and every interation (life) is simply another stage the Soul, and ultimately, the “richness of the Spirit”, grow and become more “God-like”. (We ARE considered to be born in the image of our Creator, aren’t we?)

Being that the Spirit (and its developing Soul-Personality) is transcendant over everything and anything (especially over the physical),

Then would it not make complete sense that the Spirit (and Soul) are not limited to inhabiting one specific, singular physical (or other) form??? The form one takes in a specific life, is purely to allow that Soul to gain the experience that is most common through the experiences in that form. Each particular form (species, especially) experiences different aspects and qualities of life. The world appears differently to them through own eyes, ears, and all other senses that are common and integral with that form. Ever experience the world as an ant, or as a bird, or even as a fish??? Such cases of interesting memories have been recorded during the hypnosis sessions, as told by the many researched human subjects of those sessions. Some have even recalled, through deep hypnosis, astonishing details that were later found to be relevent and actual happenings in a part of history!

This then brings us to the subject of, . . .


Many of today’s religious “systems” and “churches” (to include most of the “new-age” belief “systems”) turn rather sour on discussions about “otherkin” and “otherkinsim”. (My, how ‘tolerant’ some of these religions claim to be!!!) They believe it is all impossible, and think that folks who follow the line of thinking about otherkinism being real and demonstrable are a bunch of kooks, phonies, and mentally ill. (My, how ‘tolerant’ some of these religions claim to be, again!!!) They may also consider this subject as being purely from the “gamers’ groups” and rpg’ers. Well, the ancient peoples also had different ideas – and considered trans-species Soul incarnations to be quite real. The reason why many practicing Buddhists and Hindus (and many variations and “sects” of the old Vedic Ways) are purely vegetarian (or nowadays, more like “vegan”) cited, is that the animals around them may be the reincarnations of their departed loved ones and family members (especially those who were considered “rewarded” for their pious living in one or more past-lives). They truly believe that killing and eating of any of the animals could possibly end up in their killing off a being with the Soul of their departed. (Sounds a bit like otherkinism reversed, doesn’t it?) So, much of today’s Buddhism and Hinduism centers around a form of “otherkinism”! So what’s the difference towards those who claim to have lived past-lives in non-human form???

In closing this article,

I want to stress the fact that there are some in the world who whole-heartedly believe in otherkinism, and the ability of the Soul to transcend ANY form it feels is necessary from life to life, to gain a fuller experience of its own existence. “Otherkins” may not be very well known, nor may there be very many who have the courage to claim they are non-human Souls (even though, the “Soul” is far more capable than just being “human”). To agree with one of Jafira Dragon’s modes of thinking: “It is not necessarily an easy thing to reconcile with, that one is an otherworldly Soul, or may have existed in a different form in a past life.” There is even an “e-book” on the subject of otherkinism! The first kind of “manual” of its kind, and a very detailed, well-developed piece of writing that continues to evolve as more experiences and personal testimonies come to the surface. It is called “Jafira’s Draconity Guide” (tailored mainly towards those who consider themselves “Dragon-Souls”).

As to also speak of the several well-practiced psychics I knew,

I was said, repeatedly, that I myself am an “ancient Soul” (meaning, I apparently have been around in different incarnations for a very long time). There are probably many who are also “Ancient Souls”, and perhaps some, who do not even remember it yet! Such is the aspect of a Soul; Ageless, timeless, and ever-present in any reality, and every reality. A practicing shaman, often one who tries to incorporate the “old ways” of shamanism, would see this an ineffable truth. The Soul journeys onward and outward, regardless of its present form. The form a Soul takes in its present life, does not necessarily define its state of being (other than through the basis of experiencing life through the eyes of that form). In the simplest way to express it: “The body, does NOT define the Being.

Rev. Dragon’s Eye,
Founder and Chief-Elder Dragon of the Temple,


Related Links provided by me:

(This list of links may be added to, as I find more relevent sites.)



Attention CITIZENS OF THE USA: Why I will NOT Be Celebrating “4th of July” The Same Way You Will Be.

Angry Red Dragon. (c) Anne Stokes – at:

I find very little reason to be celebratory of a now-shallow, futile LIE of a “holiday”, in light of the way the United States of America’s current state of affairs be, these days!


I will spend the day, which is more like an ordinary day to me, with lots of prayer and supplication to those I pray to, for the sake of all of us, as a “nation” of People, not “laws”. I will also seek to spend a majority of the day teaching the People WHY this day should be better honored and cherished, by actually living it to its full meaning and intent: “The preservation and expression of FREEDOM and LIBERTY for ALL, not just the select, politically-favored few.

We have, for far too long, allowed those who are unfit to rule over us, dictate what we can and can not do, what we can and can not say, what we can and can not think, what we can and can not believe, what are and are not our enforceable rights, – all under “the color of law”! We have been superficial, very lazy, lying to ourselves, allowed ourselves to be continuously lied to and about, allowed others to dictate to us who and what we are, and worst of all – SUPPORTED ALL OF THESE WRONGS, BECAUSE: “THEY ARE THE LAW”! I am soooo sick of hearing it, time and time again, excuses of every stripe and color being used to justify WHY we should give up on the remainder of our rights, and enjoy the “safety” being provided to us through this legalized “protection rackett”, all because the so-called experts and “legal scholars” keep telling us “it’s for your own good, your protection“.

So really,

Just exactly WHAT reason is there to “celebrate” the ever-so-increasing, gradual corruption and enslavement of an entire “nation of The People” that presupposed itself to be the “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave“??? Have we been so softened up by all the TV-sports, “enter(train)ment”, “church” sermons telling us to “obey, without question all orders by government“, and the continued assaults on our personal health and actual safety FROM despotism, all because it is all supposed to be “good for us“??? Even the genuine Divinely-Inspired Souls would see the huge disconnect from reality here! Especially those of us who, in reality, “walk with the Dragons and their delegated guides” should know the difference between these lies (all of them) from what is supposed to be the Natural, Divine Reality of Being, AND experiencing life – and all it has to offer!

So please indulge me, for a moment,

As I relate and pass on to you, WHY the Dragons, and the Dragon-Symbolism mean so much to me, WHY they play such a significant role in my daily life, AND WHY they are the basis of my spirituality and my practices. This may also explain WHY the modern “church” despises anything related to “dragon” and dragon-symbolism. This may take us a little down that unknown path of what it is truly like to be “dragon” and/or of the Dragon-Soul. This is a path I explore, every moment of every day. Not a single day passes by, where I do not at least render a prayer, a “thank you”, or some spiritual and Divine act of interaction with the Dragons of the other realms, and of this one. There is not one instance where I would ever be curseful or upbraiding towards my Dragon Family and their (and my) allies.

For one,

My belief system became evident, several years ago, as to WHY it was actually incompatible with most (if not virtually ALL) of the current “new-age” movement, as well as incompatible with the modern “churches”: It was because it is a path of Self-Realization, and individual responsibility. Dragons grow old and wise on the food of individual-empowerment through realization, personal responsibility and accountability, and living to the highest standards of integrity, coupled with knowing which battles are worth fighting for, and fighting the valiant fight when called upon to do so. The might of a Dragon, is in his (or her) Heart, to start with. The Great Fires of Courage and Strength, are what powers any goal a Dragon may have. The Heart, is where all the energy and power is concentrated, by force of Will, and discharged towards achieving the intended goal. This is done with forethought, measurement, and a sharp focus on achieving the end result, while braving the “elements” of fear, uncertainty, and apprehension, through constant practice and refinement. The Dragon does NOT shy away from controversy, as a matter of any perceived political pursuasion nor pressures, in order to achieve that which is right, balanced, and in keeping with the Divine Natural Law of things.


The Dragon seeks total liberty to be, and to express itself as a Divine and Powerful Being. The Dragon knows when He/She is being imposed upon, by an opposing force that seeks His/Her enslavement and eventual “destruction”. The Dragon is not so easily enslaved, and not so easily beguiled into accepting a servile role. The Dragon is a co-creator in the Universe, and beyond. One of the main things of a Creator AND/OR Co-Creator goes on to “create” (and, if necessary, destroy), are Realities. These be created from the voids of Chaos, and the ashes of the various false “realities”. – THAT, is why many “churches” and their doctrines fear the Dragon, and all He/She stands for!


In talking about this day, in the supposed “Age of Reason”, it seems that everything about today, and all that occurs now, is everything BUT reasonable. Those who scream the loudest about “tolerance”, are everything BUT tolerant of the differences of opinions, beliefs, political thinking and persuasion, and life habits. The “Age of Reason” has been anything BUT reasonable, across the entirety of the Natural “Human Condition” and experience! The Dragon is all about Reason, and the Natural consequences behind it, and BECAUSE of it. The Dragon constantly may define and redefine His/Her own reality, and affect a part of the shared reality. It is THIS particular Power that most modern “Witches” pay lipservice to, but often times, relegate to wishful thinking on their part. Then, THAT becomes nothing more than a mere fantasy, to only be talk-shopped about, but not truly acted upon! The Dragon, should be regarded by ALL witches, as the ultimate, archetypal essence of what it is to be, a Divine Being, filled with the Power to make any possibility happen.

To bring this all Home:

I harken all ye, to heare this message, for one and all,

It is time to fully wake up! Your houses and denizaries are about to burn in the fecundities of out-of-control political power and averice. Those who lord over you do NOT care of nor about you! You are but a pawn in their grandeose “game” of posturing and power-plays. There is proof, fact, and evidence aplenty – that your country (and mine) now burn on the funeral pyres of apathy, laziness, ignorance, mendacity, and self-righteous false-indignity. Our wonderful “nation”, “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave” – is being summarily cremated and put out to the realm of the forgotten! Those things and deeds we choose to NOT do today, will be deeds and acts never known, and never ventured, towards the possibility of a brighter future, for ALL OF US, not just for the select few, who have all our (pillaged) resources at their disposal. The Dragon can not, and shall not help us all, if we are to refuse to help ourselves, and our various kin, from the problems and travails we helped ourselves into! The Dragons only help those, who show their worthiness of receiving their help. – The true sign of the respect of free will!

Our past and ancestry knew of the Power and the Wisdom of the Dragon. So where have WE gone wrong, in these modern times? ? ? The Dragon, as a liberator, simply shows us how, and guides us towards, LIBERATION FROM ANOTHER’S YOKE OF SLAVERY, IF – we choose do to so. If it is one major lesson that the Dragons have led me to: It is that FREEDOM STARTS FROM WITHIN!

Then, and ONLY THEN, can Freedom truly Ring,

In this Land of the Free, Home of the Brave!


– Rev. Dragon’s Eye,
Founder and Chief-Elder Dragon of the Temple,


Wolf Spirit

Angry Wolf

The “Brain As A Computer”- Why Modern Psychiatry Has It All Wrong! – Part II

How Our Present Reality may be defined or at least shaped by Our Past.

Many of our personal “isms” that we may express or act upon today, are often supported or induced by memories of our past.

Some of the things we may dislike, or altogether avoid, that we are likely to encounter later in our lives, usually come from some past experiences in them. These kinds of experiences tend to be unfavorable or even very tragic ones. This commonplace with folks who have suffered some form of personal trauma due to experiencing an event that may have traumatized them to the point of eliciting nightmares as an after-effect. Some of the more common cases arising from folks who have grown up in especially violent environments, 1) were victims of a violent or non-violent but traumatizing crime committed by another, 2) wartime soldiers’ and veterans’ experiences on the battlefields (in what used to be called “shell-shock” in the old times, and now is called “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” [PTSD]), 3) those who experienced abuse in childhood years at home, 4) social problems with others – especially from being bullied by others, 5) and various other “forgotten”, but unresolved experiences. There is a very long list of the types of past events and experiences that may affect how one sees the world, and interacts with it, today.

The Nature of Some of our Phobias:

Many personal phobias may arise from something, or a multiple of things, that have been experienced in the past. Such memories of those events may be foggy at best, and not so visible in the here and now, but their effects can still be felt, although subtly. A common coping mechanism to “get past” a particular event is often by denying it. Such a denial of its occurrence does not necessarily “make it go away”, nor may it lend itself to a simple healing solution. Such an experience can easily lead to life-long effects, and even interfere with the individual’s potential abilities at interacting with society, if not dealt with in a timely manner and in a way that opens the doors to some workable, effective solutions. Most of these phobias will have a strong emotional element to them, relating directly to the emotional response of the experience which may have resulted in them.

Some cases of particular phobias, and/or other specific “nervous ticks” may be expressed, even without a direct recollection of the past experience that triggered them. Some adverse experiences may even have some folks become more socially withdrawn, as they become distrustful of others around them. This is one major area where modern psychiatry has failed miserably in its pursuits for “treatments”, especially when utilizing such methods as aversion-therapy, prescribed medications (petro-chemical drugs), and other “prosthetic bandage” methods which do very little to address the root causes and problems. Such treatment options are usually graded on how much profit can result from the treatment plans. Medicating such patients is especially inefficient, usually unhelpful, but profitable to the doctors AND the manufacturers of those products, even at the expense of the patient – and possibly society, later.

The Unseen Scars.

Many of the so-called “psychological” problems that result from unfortunate past experiences, are often referred to as the “Unseen Scars”, where such injuries were not so physically evident, but the emotional pain remains, hidden from public view. Such emotional “scars” can remain for many years, up until the last of a being’s life. Medications, aversion therapies, and especially “electroshock therapy” (which WAS outlawed years ago, but seems to be reintroduced as a “viable treatment” in recent years) DO NOT and HAVE NOT BEEN EVIDENCED TO resolve nor even efficiently “treat” emotional scars, nor emotionally-rooted behaviors and behavioral problems. This because they do absolutely NOTHING to address the root causes, but simply mask over the symptomatic behaviors with a prosthetic effect! Yet, the immense pressure from the American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, National Institutes of Mental Health, and the many different organizations (to include a few NGO’s) is what helps to keep these unworkable, ineffective treatment options in place as the “standards of medical treatment”.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, volume 5 (DSM-V) and all previous editions came out as the “bible of human psychology”, and the favorite “go-to” book for psychologists and psychiatrists. Every “diagnosis” is attributed to “mental conditions” and “abnormalities” that are identifiable by behavioral characteristics, rather than any reproducible pathology or lab results. What’s even more disheartening: Most of the “syndromes” and conditions are more rooted in emotional scars from past traumatic events and/or other current, ongoing events. As any commonsense-minded individual could find, when one does not address the root problems, but merely masks them with some form of “treatment” or therapy that deals only with the behavioral symptoms, these are problems that are very likely to resurface! Chemical drugs are often only able to be “safely” taken for so long, before they build up to toxic levels in the body, and/or the body becomes resistant to them over time (through tolerance). Most of these drugs ARE toxic to the normal-functioning body. The body will try to do what it does best: Detoxify, and then eliminate these substances from the body altogether. Some of these medical drugs may, themselves, leave behind certain scars, be they physical and/or “psychological” as well.

Where the Failures of the Current Treatment Orthodoxy fail.

What many folks are not asking about, because they may not be seeing the real hidden-in-plain-view problem: “If our psychological medicine is supposedly superior to competing methods and orthodoxies, then why do we see so many examples of where the treated (former, but life-long) patients fall into relapses?” I thought the business of medicine and healing, was about actually healing (and even curing) conditions so that the patients can go on to lead healthy, self-sufficient lives??? – And THERE is the rub, and a prime example, yet again, that today’s “medicine” is not about curing or healing anything. The average psychologist/psychiatrist would want you “mentally ill” and dependent upon their care and advice for life! This is guaranteed profits for the long haul.

Just as much as there are severe conflicts of interest in physical medicine and where it is practiced, so the same can easily be said of “mental health” programs and their clinics. Many individuals who still carry around emotional scars, deeply buried within, are taught to rely on the various drugs and other treatment regimens as their relief. Yet, many still suffer the silence of their own memories, the pains of past experiences they have never been taught to work through and release from. To them, life does not seem to be the way it “should be”. To some, life has become more and more of a history of disappointments and many insurmountable hurdles. The current orthodoxy for treatment options is failing them worst of all.

So what kinds of alternative options are there available to those who are still dealing with “past baggage” and emotional traumas in their lives? That is a question I will do my best to answer in a later post in this series. What needs to be remembered here is: With the appearance of increased acts of spontaneous violence and mass-murders, and the fact that an unworkable system of treatments and therapies seems to always be championed as “The Answer” to everyone’s problems, is it any wonder why some folks would start to see that this treatment orthodoxy is NOT WORKING AS PROMISED?!? The MORE psychological intervention that the state invests in, the MORE we are seeing results that do little to justify the continued orthodoxy for treatment, as we have it now!

IN THE NEXT ARTICLE: “Brain As A Computer”- Why Modern Psychiatry Has It All Wrong! – Part III

I want to explore a little bit of the surfacing of repressed memories, and some of the acts that often result from reliving those memories. I would like to relate some of my personal experiences with folks whom I have known for a number of years. Some of them drink. Some of them, quite a bit. There is fertile discussion on the subject of whether alcohol “makes” anyone do anything they normally would not say or do when they are perfectly sober. I seek to dispel this meme from plain examples as observed, and understood.

Until then,

– “Be Blessed, Always.”

Rev. Dragon’s Eye,
Founder and Chief-Elder Dragon of the Temple,




The “Brain As A Computer”- Why Modern Psychiatry Has It All Wrong! – Part I

What really drives us as sentient beings?

After serious thought and contemplation, AND after a series of tragic events (real or “scripted”),

I decided that I was going to tackle a central issue, and debunk a meme that even most of the “alternative media” and other blogs are missing the point on! I am absolutely amazed that even “educated” folks on BOTH sides of the issues are missing this important fact: Drugs and/or any other intoxicating substance, lacking Consciousness and Will of their own, simply CAN NOT “make” anyone do or say anything! They simply are tools and “pathways” that ease the possibility of someone doing or saying what he/she intended to do (usually something that was deeply buried within mind, and inhibited by the being’s own “consciousness filters”).

In this mini-series,

I am going to take all of you on a journey into the realm of Mind, and the magnificent organ in which it inhabits during this life: The Brain. This is a journey that many millions upon millions of Shamanic practitioners and their clients have taken for a great many thousands (if not millions) of years that our kind has been upon this Earth. This is not from any classes nor any universities. I state, emphatically, here and now, that I have NO college degree and no certificates that “qualify” my statements as “scientific fact” or otherwise. These are simply from my own observations of real-life events and happenings, as well as from my own personal experiences and dealings with other people. In essence, the “establishment” has NOT vetted anything I am about to say, and NO ONE ELSE (on this green and blue Earth) has taught me any of this. This is all from my own learning and experience, as well as from a keen observation.


You are free to judge this mini-series and what in it I present to you, as factual, theoretical, or completely bogus as you may see fit. All I ask of you, is that you at least keep an open mind when reading this mini-series, and withholding your judgments until you have read and understood, what I have presented, how I based my conclusions and observations, and what I have demonstrated as the basis of these writings. These articles DO related to spirituality, medicine, and YES – some politics. This issue is most important to me, and it should also be very important to you, the readers of this blog. IF we are to actually fix what is wrong in this world, humanity’s place within it, and truly regain our personal power from those who lord over us (to our own “shepherded” self-destruction) with it, then we need to re-examine the basis of Mind.

Mind is the seat of consciousness.

When I say this, I literally mean it: Mind IS the seat of consciousness. It is where all things begin. It is where all things are decided well before being done. It is the realm of thought, dreams, images, wishes, desires, and any visualizations of what is to become. It is that “place” which engage ourselves and our surroundings, and also interact with others, to form ideas, goals, and ambitions based upon what we experience, and what we wish to do. The Mind is like the seed, and the fertile plain in which to start its journey of beginnings, growth, fruition, and results.

The Mind is also the “vault”, as in an experiencial “library”, a trove of memories, it is that “place” where we can “store” what we experienced, for later recall and use (such as, in problem-solving). We have the ability to store far more “data” than any advanced computer, even when we may seem to “forget” due to advanced age, deteriorating health, stress, or whatever malady that may interfere with our ability to recall. We do not actually forget. We tend to have trouble recalling something when we say we “forget”. The Mind only “forgets”, when it is intent on doing so, but merely by happenstance. This also takes a conscious effort from a conscious Mind. We have to actually forcibly “erase” that particular thought, and sometimes, this does not work as well!

 The “Layers” of Mind and Consciousness.

I have come to understand that there are several “layers” to the Mind, or more appropriately – Consciousness. These correlate to the various “mind-states” or states-of-mind that are recognized in modern “medicine” and modern “science”. These different mind-states even have names and are recognized by measuring devices’ (Electro-Encephalographs – or E.E.G.’s) readings of brain activity through the various different wavelengths (or Brainwave Frequencies). What much of today’s science has documented as fact, many of our ancestral shamanic peoples already knew for thousands upon thousands of years: The Mind operates at different “states”, as through different levels of consciousness. In other words, this was already ancient knowledge!

The different “mind-states” have different properties and effects, as well as varying degrees of sharpness or “lucidity” of their images and visualizations. These different states can also have their own varying degrees of emotional actions/reactions to the various images and/or recalled experiences that may have actually happened, or are imagined to happen (like, in dreams, and especially “nightmares”). The rest of the body will often (and usually should) respond, even within the different mind-states, to the various imagery being played within the brain, especially if there is are strong emotional aspects or qualities to them. The level of physical activity (that is, many of the “involuntary” functions) of the body, should also operate on a similar level to the level of consciousness in the brain.

The Brain and Mind should not be confused with being the same!

The Mind is that aspect of being where consciousness is to be found and resides.

I do not consider it to be physical at all. I consider it to be an intangible characteristic of the state of Being. That is, it can not be objectively measured by test instruments, standard curricula, or any mathematical formulae. It exists outside of the limiting definition of “physicality”. Just as it exists outside of space and time. Mind can be thought of as an abstract “etheric body” that is parallel to our other “bodies” (like the Physical, Emotional, “Akashic”, etc.), with its own capabilities and “properties”.

The Brain, on the other hand,

Is that physical organ, which is like a very complex “computer”, that is inhabited by Mind. It truly is a marvel in how it was created, and how it functions on so many different levels and complexities! The Brain truly, is a computing device that is beyond anything that could ever possibly be created, with man’s technology or in any laboratory. It is where the Mind is able to interact with this physical existence, through a physical body, and serve as a “link” between this world, and other worlds (or, if you will, from this “ordinary reality”, in and among the “non-ordinary realities”). The Brain serves well as a “bridge” between and among the other worlds, mainly through the realm of Mind.

Fully-Conscious State, or “wide-awake” mind-state:

In this mind-state, one is fully awake and alert to things around him/her. This where the perception-filters and judgment are constantly in use. It is where we do a lot of our active learning, assimilating, judging, measuring, and various other proactive motions and thoughts. We constantly respond to a lot of our external stimuli, sometimes almost instantly, and to those happenings around us. We are aware of the physicality of our existence, and may be aware of a few of the more-subliminal elements in our environment, but not necessarily so. We may even be easily distracted by our surroundings, as opposed to being introspective of our inner state of being. This is the state in which we interact most with the world around us. Everything in this state can be observable and quantified.

The Sub-Conscious State, or otherwise known Semi-Trance State, or “Hypnogogic State”:

It is in this mind-state, that one is not fully cognizant of the physical details of the physical world, but is not exclusively ignorant of it. In this mind-state, one is very relaxed, but still alert to the sounds around him/her, alert to physical stimuli and sensations, smells, and may or may not be acutely discerning of the quality of sounds and stimuli, etc. This is thought to be like a “bridge” between consciousness and the total sub-consciousness. This is a common mind-state, brought about by meditation, prayer, and chants (or mantras) that helps the percipient to relax into this mind-state. The physical body’s various activities may also relax or decrease in “beat” if the percipient is able to truly relax the mind and thought processes. This is also where one can effectively “reprogram” him/herself, and also commence self-healing. One in this mind-state can instill a certain amount of control over body functions, thoughts, images, and emotions, but still be aware of their effects. Many Theraveda and Ayurveda techniques make full use of this mind-state, to bring about desired changes within the individual percipient.

This is also the level of consciousness where beings are very receptive to suggestion, and “programmable” (to a certain extent) by an outside “influencer”, like a hypnotist, psychiatrist, or any other knowledgeable therapist. One in this mind-state should be very much be on his/her guard to the possibility of an externality having undue influence upon him/her. This level is often the preferred level in which to “program” because the judgment and perception filters are partially “submerged”, and therefore not as available as one’s “watchdogs”, like they would be in the fully-awake mind-state! Being that judgment is less apparent, this serves as almost a direct gateway to the subconscious mind-state.

Here’s a neat little table of Brainwave Frequencies I have found on-line from Infinite Minds website:

Between 0.5 and 90Hz are the states and frequencies that comprise the vast majority of our day to day experiences. The table below, breaks these core frequencies down further and shows some frequencies outside of this range that correspond to some more rare and unusual states of consciousness.
Name Frequency Characteristics
Lambda ~200Hz Self awareness, higher levels of insight and information. Tibetan monks that walk barely clothed for days through the snow have exhibited high levels of these. They are difficult to measure and little is known about them. They are carried on the very slow moving Epsilon Waves (<0.5Hz).
Hyper Gamma ~100Hz
Gamma 38 – 90Hz Important in harmonizing and unifying thoughts processed in different parts of the brain. Combines different perceptions. Essential for complex motor processes. Suppressed totally by anaesthetic. Found in all parts of the brain.
Beta (High) 18 – 38Hz Wide awake, alert, focused, analyses and assimilates new information rapidly, complex mental processing, peak physical and mental performance, cannot be sustained indefinitely otherwise exhaustion, anxiety, and tension result.
 Beta (Mid range) 15Hz-18Hz Wide awake and alert behaviour.
 Beta (Low) 12 – 15Hz Also known as Sensory Motor Rhythm (SMR) – vigilance, reduced mobility, shallow breathing, less blinking, fixed attention and eye focus, enhancing through neuro-feedback has a calming effect.
Beta-Alpha 12Hz Hyper-efficient in processing single tasks as the brain can focus on the details as well as the overall task at the same time
Alpha 7.5 – 12Hz Mental coordination and resourcefulness, relaxation, alert but not mentally processing anything, inward focus, calmness, at ease, deep breathing and closed eyes can amplify alpha wave production, peaks around 10Hz.
Alpha-Theta 7.48Hz Schumann frequency. Stimulates retrieval of memories from the subconscious. This is the natural vibrational frequency of the ionosphere in the earth’s atmosphere.
Theta 4 – 7.5Hz Associated with memory access, learning, deep meditation, sensations, emotions, the threshold of the subconscious, dreaming.
6.2 – 6.7Hz Cognitive activity, sustained attention, low anxiety
4.5Hz Associated with many altered consciousness states.  Shamanic trances, Tibetan mantras and Buddhist chants use this frequency to access trance states
Theta-Delta ~3.5Hz Long term memory access
Delta 0.5 – 4Hz Deep sleep, human growth hormone release, low blood pressure, low respiration, low body temperature. No muscle movement – Reticular Activating System (RAS) shuts this down.
Epsilon <0.5Hz As with Lambda and HyperGamma waves, less is known about these states due to the rarity of observing them. They have reportedly been associated with when state Yogi’s go into when they achieve “suspended animation” where no heart beat, respiration or pulse are noticeable.

So, as we can see, the brain IS a very complex system, and the Mind represents an ever-changing program, “firmware”, interface, and everything else that defines who and what we are – beyond the physical body, in which the Brain is a part of the physical side of being. The individual Mind can exert influence and BE influenced upon and from, within and without. Our “nature” is defined by the perceptions we have built up from our own life’s experiences, and what we have learned (or have been “programmed”).

Once we understand the basics of Mind and Consciousness, we understand that any action or active “doings” require a conscious thought in order for that action to take place. Inanimate objects and/or substances, by virtue of them being “inanimate” and lacking any real “proactive” ability (or lacking the expression of a “proactive” ability), can NOT be the source of an action. In other words, they can NOT “make” or “do” anything on their own. They require a conscious user, as is the case of any “tool”, in order to affect any changes.

In the next article: The “Brain As A Computer”- Why Modern Psychiatry Has It All Wrong! – Part II,

I will delve some into past memories. That is, memories of the past in THIS life, and the subject of repressed memories. Many of our pains, anguishes, and other lingering injuries (both physical-effects and non-physical, emotional) are often the result of or from repressed memories, especially of tragic events and other negative happenings in our lives. Many times, do we see these memories resurface in unexpected times and places, and sometimes in unexpected situations. In some cases, these “flashbacks” can have very dangerous and disastrous results if not dealt with in a manner that safely disempowers them.

Rev. Dragon’s Eye,
Founder and Chief-Elder Dragon of the Temple,




Marriage is too Sacred for the State to Remain Involved in It!

The reason for this quick little post:

When it comes to the raging debate about the validity of “marriage”, and its attendant side-discussions, one thing is always missed when it comes to these debates, – WHY should the STATE be in the position to decide which marriages and/or unions are legitimate, from those which it decides are not? ? ?

What galls the heck out of me: These so-called “civil-rights” campaigners/groups (being as politically-connected and all) decide WHOSE rights are more important than the rights of others (especially in declining the rights of ideological opposites)! The very same kinds of futile arguments in the political spheres of influence rage on about “race”, “men vs. women”, and all that devisive talk about one side always being the victim of the other side’s differences. It’s time to drop these pointless charades, and see the real dangers for what they really are: TOO MUCH POWER AND “AUTHORITY” IN THE HANDS OF THOSE UNFIT TO WIELD THEM! – That is especially grievous towards the Dragonic Honor Code: “Let not He, who is unfit to rule, rule over Thee!

Marriage, or any Sacred Union, is the response and responsibility of the Unifying parties, NOT the STATE, nor anyone else outside of that union. It is a personal choice, and a cooperative agreement between/among consenting-age individuals.

Marriage, or any Sacred Union, should be recognized by the God(s) and/or Goddess(es), as the individual-unifying parties see as their blessors and ablers.

Marriage, or any Sacred Union, is far too Sacred to be enchained to the whims of money, and any subjective constraint on the part of outside parties.

If we want any peace, for once and for all, concerning the issue of marriages and equal protections and considerations thereof; Then we need to bring back the old, truthful Common-Law Marriages, and get the STATE out of the “business” of marriages. Then, and ONLY then, will the magic of Free and Open Market fairly judge and make available, the services to every kind of marriage and Sacred Union possible – without strings attached!

New Trend: ‘Radically Inclusive’ Churches That Embrace All Religions And All Lifestyles

If you want as many people to attend your church as possible, why limit yourself to just Christians?

New Trend: ‘Radically Inclusive’ Churches That Embrace All Religions And All Lifestyles

by Michael Snyder,
End Of The American Dream
March 25, 2015

If you want as many people to attend your church as possible, why limit yourself to just Christians?

All over America, “radically inclusive” churches that embrace all religions and all lifestyles are starting to pop up.

Church services that incorporate elements of Hinduism, Islam, native American religions and even Wicca are becoming increasingly common.  And even if you don’t believe anything at all, that is okay with these churches too.

In fact, as you will see below, one Presbyterian minister in Oregon is even inviting people to “bring their own god” to church.  But if these churches don’t really stand for anything at all, what is their purpose?  And what does the popularity of these churches say about the future of religion in America?

One such church that has gotten quite a bit of attention lately is led by D.E. Paulk.  The son of Earl Paulk, he was once considered to be the “heir apparent” at one of the largest megachurches in America.  But these days he leads worship at a church that recognizes “all gods and prophets, including Mohammed“…

The Spirit and Truth Sanctuary, which D.E. founded in 2012, welcomes everyone from Wiccans to atheists, Hindus to Muslims, recognizing all gods and prophets, including Mohammed.

‘[Scandal] has a way of wiping out the things that keep you from being authentic,’ he said.

‘All you have left is who you are. The games are gone… If there was anything I wanted to say I thought would be unacceptable to the church, now is the time to say it.’

After much soul searching, D.E. established his church based around one principle: ‘Christ cannot be, and will not be, restricted to Christianity‘.

Paulk insists that there is “no hell except what one creates with one’s own actions“, and he is very proud of the diverse group of people that currently attends his services

Today, the church is a rarity on many levels: interfaith, interracial, a mosaic of people deep in the Bible Belt where many churches remain segregated. The church has gay couples, college students, agnostics, some Muslims and even a Wiccan priest. Pictures of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi adorn the walls.

A stained glass window looming over the pulpit captures the spirit of the church. It’s a design that contains a Christian cross, ringed by symbols from Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. In the middle is a dove, which symbolizes the spirit of peace that binds them all together.

CNN reporter visited one of Paulk’s recent services, and it was definitely far different from what Earl Paulk’s services would have looked like in the old days…

The service then started to feel like a Pentecostal tent-revival but with an unusual twist.

A group of singers took to the stage and opened with a hypnotic Tibetan Buddhist chant that evoked the spirit of compassion: “Om Mani Padme Hum.”

The chant segued into “Shanti, Shanti Om,” a Hindu prayer for peace. Then as the chanting grew louder, the drums and bass kicked in as the singers switched to a Muslim chant about the sovereignty of God: “La ilaha, Il Allah.”

And of course D.E. Paulk is far from alone.

All over America there are ministers that are going out of their way to be more “inclusive”.

As I mentioned above, there is even one Presbyterian minister out in Oregon that wants people to “bring their own god” to church…

A Presbyterian USA minister in Oregon who says that he doesn’t believe in God—and doesn’t require his members to believe either–remarked in a recent article that he is offended by those who assert that he is not a Christian.

Someone quipped that my congregation is BYOG: Bring Your Own God. I use that and invite people to ‘bring their own God’—or none at all,” wrote John Shuck of Beaverton’s Southminster Presbyterian Church in a guest post for Patheos last week. “While the symbol ‘God’ is part of our cultural tradition, you can take it or leave it or redefine it to your liking.”

Even though Shuck has publicly acknowledged that he does not believe in God, he insists that he is “still a proud minister”, and he gets offended when people try to tell him that he is not a Christian…

Shuck reiterated his unbelief in his article “I’m a Presbyterian Minister Who Doesn’t Believe in God” on Tuesday, as he asserted that “belief-less Christianity is thriving.”

“We all have been trained to think that Christianity is about believing things,” he wrote. “Its symbols and artifacts (God, Bible, Jesus, Heaven, etc) must be accepted in a certain way. And when times change and these beliefs are no longer credible, the choices we are left with are either rejection or fundamentalism.”

But Shuck says that although he rejects the Bible as being literal, and denies the existence of Heaven and Hell, he takes offense when people tell him that he’s not a Christian.

Even though I hold those beliefs, I am still a proud minister. But I don’t appreciate being told that I’m not truly a Christian,” he stated. “Many liberal or progressive Christians have already let go or de-emphasized belief in Heaven, that the Bible is literally true, that Jesus is supernatural, and that Christianity is the only way. Yet they still practice what they call Christianity.”

Elsewhere in the Northwest, other ministers are trying similar approaches.

Just consider the following excerpt from an article in the New York Times

Clad in proper Pacific Northwest flannel, toting a flask of “rocket fuel” coffee typical of Starbucks’ home turf, Steven Greenebaum rolled his Prius into a middle school parking lot one Sunday morning last month. Then he set about transforming its cafeteria into a sanctuary and himself into a minister.

He donned vestments adorned with the symbols of nearly a dozen religions. He unfolded a portable bookshelf and set the Koran beside the Hebrew Bible, with both of them near two volumes of the “Humanist Manifesto” and the Sioux wisdom of “Black Elk Speaks.” Candles, stones, bells and flowers adorned the improvised altar.

Some of the congregants began arriving to help. There was Steve Crawford, who had spent his youth in Campus Crusade for Christ, and Gloria Parker, raised Lutheran and married to a Catholic, and Patrick McKenna, who had been brought up as a Jehovah’s Witness and now called himself a pagan.

Other churches are attempting to become more “inclusive” by being willing to embrace alternative lifestyles.

For example, one of the largest evangelical churches in San Francisco has decided to take a new approach to the LBGT community

Now, San Francisco’s City Church is putting an end to its policy of banning LGBT members who are unwilling or unable to take a vow of celibacy.

What led to the change of heart at City Church? Apparently, Ken Wilson’s book A Letter to My Congregation was a big part of it. Fred Harrell, senior pastor of City Church, feels the mind-changing book “shows great empathy and maturity to model unity and patience with those who are at different places in the conversation, all while dealing honestly with Scripture.”

“Our pastoral practice of demanding life-long ‘celibacy,’ by which we meant that for the rest of your life you would not engage your sexual orientation in any way, was causing obvious harm and has not led to human flourishing,” Harrell wrote in a letter to the church from the elder board. “It’s unfortunate that we used the word ‘celibacy’ to describe a demand placed on others, as in Scripture it is, according to both Jesus and Paul, a special gift or calling by God, not an option for everyone.”

But if people can just “believe whatever they want”, what makes these churches “Christian” at all?

We live in a society in which it has become very trendy to “choose your own path” and in which nobody wants to do anything that might “offend” someone else.

For instance, consider the words that one CNN reporter used to describe her transition from “Christian” to “seeker”…

After years of spiritual reflection and inquiry, I am at a place where I don’t want to feel guilty, hypocritical, judgmental, closed-minded or arrogant. So, where do I stand now — 30 years after “finding God,” questioning my faith, committing sins, seeking hazardous adventure and trying to love life and people to the best of my ability?

I am a “seeker.” A constant seeker within this world, among people and, of course, for spiritual enlightenment of all kind. Because if I did possess the truth — the “final answer” — I am convinced I would spend the rest of my years missing out on the enrichment and surprise of seeking it.

Those are some lovely words.

But it almost sounds as if she is actually afraid of the truth.  It is almost as if she does not want to find it, because if she did it might offend someone.

In the final analysis, this CNN reporter is just like so many other Americans.  Most people end up believing exactly what they want to believe.  And what this CNN reporter wants is to avoid feeling “guilty, hypocritical, judgmental, closed-minded or arrogant”.

Of course there are thousands upon thousands of Christian ministers all over the nation that want the same thing.  They never use the word “sin” because they want people to feel good about themselves.  And they never talk about anything controversial because they want people to keep coming back and they want the donations to keep rolling in.  So they preach messages about how wonderful everyone is and about how God wants to help all of us “achieve our destinies” and make all of us very wealthy.

But meanwhile our nation continues to swirl even farther down the toilet.

In the Scriptures, we were warned that such a day would come…

For the time will come when people will not endure sound doctrine, but they will gather to themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires, having itching ears, and they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn to myths.

So what do you think about the state of religion in America?

Do you believe that churches are headed in the right direction or the wrong direction?

Please feel free to add to the discussion by posting a comment below…


Another religiously-intolerant alarmist article, that is commonplace from many of the “alternative media” circles. It is so disheartening that so many “freedom fighters” in this country are STILL beholden to one of human history’s oldest and most powerful mindgames around: “Established Religion”, and varied doctrines and dogmas. Are these folks truly FREE? Are they truly concerned about genuine, natural freedom? NOT if they are still playing the “scare card” as taught to them by their “churches”.

The very reason why so many different churches are coming into existence, and availing themselves to a wider audience comprised of a greater number of differing beliefs and philosophies, is because the current crop of “churches”, from their ancient, power-hungry roots are simply losing their appeal. They are becoming dinosaurs in an ever-increasingly introspective world. The people see the frauds and phoniness that these “churches” have engaged in, without accountability to the congregation, for far too long. The Pontiff is even greatly concerned that the various “churches” and “cathedrals” he oversees, are all losing membership; and losing credibility. They are all holdouts and what is left of system of total control, that is dying out in the hearts, minds, and souls of the people. The people hunger for spiritual gnosis. The people leave the “churches”, starving for genuine answers, rather than more dogmatic, regurgitated excuses for why the world is in such disarray and dispair. This, and why the “churches” have only succeeded in worsening these ills, rather than properly healing them.

I’m sorry, but . . .

Neither the “Bible”, “Qu’ran”, “Babylonian Talmud”, the “Torah”, nor any of the like have ALL THE ANSWERS to man’s complex existence. Absolutely NONE of them have offered any other workable solution, but to proclaim itself “the WORD of God”. None of these (and many other texts) can account for, nor even briefly detail the complexities of humanity, and the general “Human Experience” of the Spiritual and Divine Being (whom each and every one of us are). Plus, these texts were NEVER INTENDED to be taken as literal! THAT is why they were written in symbolism, allegory, and various means of crafted imagery and visualizations. THIS is why most of the great myths, legends, and lore wrer written allegorically – NOT TO BE READ AS LITERALLY. They have passed from generation to generation to generation, as complete and complex as their imagery conjures forth in the minds of the readers and the ears of the audiences. Literal writings lose their original meanings in short time (often, in only a few generations), because written and spoken languages DO change over time (if they are a “living tongue”, that is).


I guess I am “going to hell, to burn in the impossible -lake of fire-“, while these holier than thou “servents of god(s)” live it up in the laughter of our irrational fears?!?



– “Great Tiamat, Mother of all Their Gods, Be-eth Thou Loved, Oh Great Mother!”

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye,
Founder and Chief-Elder Dragon of the Temple,
Revealing the Divine within All Things, Great and Small.”

=> A Temple of Wisdom, for ALL The Divine Children, Dragon – or not.


My “Religion”, is DRAGON, Served up with Shamanism of Nature-Divinity. (Now ask me why?)



Dr. King’s Message of Truth: How can so many get it wrong?

I want to start of with by saying that today, we observe the special day, that gave humanity one of its most powerful, spiritual speakers and human rights campaigners: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This gentleman has a special significance in my own life, not because I am of the same background as he (actually, I am not), but because upon learning more about him, long after his death, his message rang true – even though so many of the “civil rights” groups seem to misinterpret his message for the world. I am talking about the fact that Dr. King’s message was for EVERYONE, and it was about loving EVERYONE, regardless of background, race, skin-color, creed, ethnicity, or any other sort of involuntary characteristics that just happen to occur with one’s birth. We are talking about his famous line of judging one by the content of his/her character.

As an ordained minister,

His message and the things he taught many folks, had an extra meaning and even more prominence towards those who listened AND (hopefully) learned from him. He was a genuine equal-rights campaigner. He did not want to see ANY discrimination on the basis of race or skin-color, even of the “affirmative action” type. He would have bitterly opposed “affirmative action” as it was still an issue based on race and skin-color. He did not believe in the forced redistribution of wealth based on race or skin-color. He did not believe in any kind of preference programs, especially based on race or skin-color. He did not believe in taking out violent revenge upon those who just happen to be of similar race or skin-color to the former perpetrators of these wrongs. He did not believe in “reparations” for past misdeeds to be forced upon those who are descendents of the former perpetrators of these wrongs. He did not believe in any limits to free speech and expression, by themselves, based on race and/or skin-color. He did not believe that one race is always the victim and the other always guilty of such ungodly conduct. He did not believe it was the state’s duty to decide what was acceptible conduct and to and from whom. He believed that society could right itself, in accord to the Natural (or God’s) Law when given adequate chance and the opportunity in light of knowledge and wisdom. He believed that social ills could be resolved and injuries healed by Love, compassion, and understanding that God created all, with the intended affect that we could all live peacefully together, without the force of the state constantly interfering in one’s personal matters.

Dr. King walked as a man of God. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and others of the same mindset could stand to learn a thing or two from Dr. King’s own words. They could become far more effective and enlightening IF they were to truly honor Dr. King’s “Dream” for a better America, rather prevaricate and posture themselves as the saviors, while profiting immensely from the continued hatred they preach. Dr. King lived as a minister should. His vision was that ALL LIVES MATTERED!


The next time someone gets a chilly reception, or even threatened and publicly censured for ever daring to say, “ALL lives matter”, against the current social context being pushed before us, the deniers need to be reminded of Dr. King’s words of truth: “ALL are equal in the eyes of God”.

To this day,

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., God bless you and thank you for your divinely-inspired words of truth and power! May all who call themselves civil rights campaigners and “fighters for justice” eventually be forced to bow down to the universal truth that God made all, with equal Love towards all. May His message and its lessons be heard, learned, and cherish by ALL, equally. God is neither white, black, nor any specific skin-color, race, religion, etc. God IS, is was ALWAYS, as shall FOREVER BE; ALL things and everything.

– Reverend Dragon’s Eye,
Founder and Chief-Elder Dragon of the Temple,


The famous speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (link to PDF)


Were You Ever Lost in Da’ath?

When one is lost in on his/her spiritual journey,

One may think of being at something like a crossroads in his/her path. One may not necessarily be “stuck” in the barrenness of nowhere. It may be more likely that one has come across that point where a decision is to made, and being aware of those multiple choices available. Such indecisiveness is common and not necessarily a bad thing. A choice or decision made in haste often results one becoming even more hopelessly lost.

When exploring the vast unknowns of the mind and of the spiritual realm,

It does much better a service for one to contemplate each step that presents itself, and sometimes not so straightforwardly at that, BEFORE plunging right in. It also helps a great deal to examine the path behind us. Without knowing where we have been, before proceeding forward, often results in our losing our direction and orientation. Such as is the case when exploring anywhere we are unfamiliar with. Such be like the case of Da’ath in the venerable “Tree of Life” of the Kabbalistic Path.

The bright side of the spiritual journey is that if you get lost or misdirected while traveling your path, all one needs to do is pause for the time being, and relax the mind. Panic has never accomplished anything positive or beneficial to the experiencer! So do NOT panic! Just pause and contemplate. Those who would foolhardily attempt to travel into the depths of Da’ath, without references and without guidance, are the ones who end up becoming hopelessly lost.

Let the God(s) and/or Goddess(es) help you in their particular way, and regain your footing on your travels when the answers become much clearer to you. The Realm of Da’ath holds many mysteries and great knowledge. That is why it aligns so well with the Throat Chakra and the darkness side of Being.

In a future post,

I would like to delve a little bit deeper into a few of the mysteries of Da’ath (and life in general) as was given to me. Many of the “White-Light-Only” religions would rather you bypass and forget about traveling into the darker realms in search of knowledge. I am all for exploring the darker realms, but to make sure we are adequately prepared for our journeys, beforehand. I would like to show you how it is that Da’ath is not really a Sephiroth at all, but akin to that of a shadow of one. It tells us of the relationships of discrete and occult knowledge, with the shadow worlds and our shadow selves. It is also a place and a realm where our greatest powers to understanding lie.

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye,
Founder and Chief-Elder Dragon of the temple,



Our Children Are Our Future: How Poverty Destroys Our Society – One Child at a Time.

NoChildrenNoHumanRaceWith the increase in poverty across the United States of America (and around the world),

One must wonder, “What has happened to our culture, within our societies, that poverty, helplessness, and hopelessness be allowed to continue, and WORSEN?” To add to that, wars of desperation and wars of despotism, only but worsen all of the worst of societal ills we face evermore today. What the hell is WRONG WITH US, when we choose to side-step and even completely ignore what we are allowing to be done TO ALL OF US??? Even many of our “developed nations” are seeing unbelievable, sky-rocketing rates of poverty and homelessness that continues to expand into every facet of society, annually. The hardest sufferers: The Children, OUR Children!

I have been amazed as well as flabbergasted at the alacrity of our “leaders”, when it comes to helping our own children, in face of the facts of their involvement in various companies and for-profit organizations who benefit at our expense. Then, many of the non-profit organizations who have become nothing more than financial “black holes” while gleefully stretching out their collective hands for more, as our poor and destitute suffer worse and worse deplorable existences. When we choose to not undertake the challenges, and actually do the work needed to rectify these problems, especially for the genuine good of our children, we abdicate our responsibilities towards the continuance of our species!

I know, I know! The constant bleating of how “over-crowded” our world is, being the excuse to downplay the plight of many of our human beings, is the order of the day. Well I’M SORRY, – NOT -, but just WHO among us has the authority, and the godly-sanction to make that kind of determination on who lives and who dies??? WHO, of this human species, has the divine authority to make such hideous pronouncements that most should live in squalor, and die slowly and agonizingly, just so that the few of “them” can continue to live the life of extravagance??? So, if we are going to continue this course of events, we are being led into total destruction, a generation at a time.

I remember reading some posts, with some interesting scanned images, calling attention to the looming problem of (Americans) not having enough children to offset the mortality firgures of our population. (Interestingly, this was expressed as early as about 1902/03. – The Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918 saw a huge die-off in Europe and North America, as a thought.)

The main reason for why we “seem” to not have enough resources for the world’s people is NOT, I say again: NOT due to “global over-population”. These “shortages” are due to artificially constricted/restricted supplies in the markets, all the way back to the point of production. One of the biggest headaches playing into this problem was when “bio-fuels” markets were opened up, on the promises of cheaper fuel, better efficiency in transport; etc., AND “lower costs”. – All THREE of these claims were to be outright LIES! Instead, many of our farmlands, which formerly produced our food, switched over to producing biofuels crops because of the supposed improved profitability for the farmers. – Another CROCK! – Instead, this converting of our agriculture away from food production has resulted in less of the needed foodstuffs being available for the world markets. Now, we are seeing the resultant starvation, almost everywhere. Our children suffer hardest!

If we are to improve things in our world,

We need to start off by reasserting our priorities, in the markets, and in our domestic social policies. War needs to no longer be “profitable” by ANY stretch! Funds freed up from all of the inane and destructive “warring”, can be retargeted to helping our distressed families for virtually pennies on the dollar, compared to the tens of thousands we spend on failed programs that keep, or return families to on the streets, and ever-more poor. We all should seriously reconsider how we think of our lesser-equipped folks, and interact with them.

A society is judged by how it treats the least of them.”

Out of our current homeless population:

  1. 1 in 6 of the homeless are children between the ages of 18 months and 18 years,
  2. In contrast to the claims by the bureaucrats and media: About 23% of the homeless have a substance abuse, mental, and/or behavioral problem. The leaves open the other 77%, who by lack of one or more diagnosable condition(s) forementioned, outside of the qualifications to receive other means of assistance,
  3. About 1/3 of the homeless (at least in my local community) are military veterans, most of them with discharge from service under honorable conditions (honorable discharge),
  4. Many younger homeless are from dysfunctional and/or abusive families, being the main reason for their possible behavioral problems,
  5. More than twenty times the amount of money is spent funding these phony wars, as compared to what funds the various social programs,
  6. Because of the severe trade imbalances created by all of these “free-trade agreements”, many of our college and university graduates will not be able to repay their student loans for lack of reasonable-wage-paying jobs of their chosen fields and expertise (job out-sourcing),
  7. Over two-thirds of new technology and other “STEM” job openings are going to foreign workers instead of the educated American Citizens, – resulting in more newly-homeless to the streets,
  8. Because of ALL of the above, this is resulting in a sharp increase in children living in poverty and homelessness in these United States of America.
  9. There is a growing trend to reduce, and even end funding to social programs – without even addressing the disappearance of livable-wage/salary-paying jobs!

Yet, because of the increasing poverty, and the resultant increase in crimes of desperation, the American streets are becoming far more dangerous for everyone – especially the homeless. Yet, the media’s growing chorus call for incarceration and even total, permanent removal of the homeless from our streets as the purported “solution”.




Our children need OUR help!

Our children ARE our future!

Our children ARE our promises for a brighter future!

Without our children, the “human race” is dead and gone!

” No Children, No Human Race! “

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye,
Founder and Chief-Elder Dragon of the Temple,