This article was originally published shortly after the Nov 2016 (s)elections.

It is “Rebroadcast” here, as a painful reminder of what some of us were already seeing, hearing, and thinking: “OH, NO”! – Added more commentary at bottom.

After a weekend of deep thought and reflection,

I had to wake up and realize, once again, that I too, felt as if I also had a personal stake in the “election” of 2016. Though, I took a “wait-and-see” approach to the whole scene, I still felt pulled in to the festive look and feel of the moment. Then the proverbial “hang-over”, after the party, finally wears off, and the truth once again, shows THE reality.

To make things fairly simple and easy to comprehend: The election process, in MOST of the world’s governments and regimes, still falls firmly into place, under the control of those who have decided “election outcomes” long before the People become aware of WHO will become the next contenders. All our hopes, dreams, and many other desires, are well-known to those who are firmly in control of the world’s systems. These great and cunning wielders of power have had many years to perfect the art of illusion.

One thing that serves me very well when doing an “after-analysis” (or an “after-action review”, as the more military-minded may refer to it) of the whole process, and such things like “hotly-contested” events, like “elections”, and that is memory of past events, and how they played out. The “elections” of 2016 in the United States of America being NO EXCEPTION. When one can take a detached, dispassionate view of neutrality, towards such events, one often sees the sheer cunning and amazing amount of effort that went into crafting so convincing an illusion.

It should be plain as day to some, by now, that these “elections” are pure fantasy and only give the appearance, illution if you will, of any real choice. What is most amazing to me: Much of the “alternative media”, and other small “journalism” sites and organizations, have also fallen into the well-played illusion. Some of the alternative journalists, I used to trust in very much, have begun to show some of the amount of control exerted upon them. Certain sites and blogs, once use to report and showcase the truth about the controlled system of “elections”, and the political power-plays for control over public perception. We all love the idea of the “good guys” championing over the “bad guys”, but this also distracts from the very fact that BOTH sides are usually firmly under the control of the VERY SAME SYSTEM AND ITS MANAGERS! It does one very little good to “bet on a horse in the race, that is -against- the adversary’s interests, when it is that -adversary- who owns ALL the horses in the race!”

Let’s start examining this previous “election”, by going over some of the more interesting details that many may not notice.


Our “elections” are often commonly-understood as “voting for the lesser of two evils”.

The problem with this theory is, if we are STILL voting for an evil, what are we really accomplishing? No matter what we do, “evil” still wins, whether a little, or a lot! Just as Mercury is toxic and deadly, whether given at the rate of 10uG (micro-grams) per day, or up to 10mG per day, the end result is – YOU WILL STILL END UP DEAD, BECAUSE MERCURY (AT EITHER OF THOSE RATES) IS STILL LETHAL! ! ! Yet, we are expected (and encouraged) to ignore that reality, when it is the “pushers” who stand to benefit in the end. All one needed to do, prior to some crafty changes in election-financing laws, was look at how each candidate’s campaign was either financed or supported.

An interesting observation here:

One candidate was already worth billions of U.S. dollars when he ran for office. The other chose to use many hidden sources of political funding, most of it outright illegal, to fund the campaign. The “billionaire” even played well, the idea of waving off the President’s normal salary schedule (a brilliant “hero” move for the gullible masses!) to look even more like he was “for the little guy”! Yet, no one thinks to question in HOW it was he was able to attain, and even maintain such levels of wealth and power, in a grossly corrupt and unbalanced world economy as we have now. There are many other innovative and entrepreneurial souls out there in the human side of the world, but so very few ever get to realize such status and wealth (usually, only after he/she has also sold out on principles and ethics). PLUS, if such wealth is based solely upon the value of a controlled currency, or based solely on “paper”, then such wealth is unstable and can soon be worthless overnight, if deemed so by those who control the world economy and its basis of value! This has been the sheer weakness behind debt-based economies, and “monetized debt” (to use the bankers’ own parlance) for as many centuries that such economic models have been practiced. So, would you STILL trust such an individual to stand against a system, in which his own wealth is dependent upon? One who is worth so much in “paper”, is not likely to challenge the power of those who control the value of his “paper”. – Sounds like the perfect puppet, to install into a position of power, and “public trust”!

Now, an old adage that should be resurfacing on account of this well-played illusion-of-choice, called the “Election of 2016”:

The most believable lies, always incorporate large amounts of the truth. ”

Could this also be said of a well-crafted illusion, like the “illusion of choice”? If Candidate “A” was a devout Communist, and Candidate “B” was lesser a Communist, but more of a “light Socialist”, yet NEITHER truly supported the Individual’s right of choice, have we really gained anything by voting for “the lesser of two evils” when in what is supposed to be a “Representative Republic”? If Candidate “A” was for MORE government intervention and involvement in personal matters, while Candidate “B” was for MORE rights for big-business and more decision-making BY the executives of big-business, yet – the “little guy” is STILL left without any choice in the matter as to he/she would live, and what rights he/she can expect to enjoy? – Do the People still win in some way, or is that simply another illusion of “choice”, crafted by a convincing “second-hand reality” we call “elections”?

Now, let’s get to the bottom of this scheme, and how it has worked so well, year after year after year.

The globalists know very well how angry the world’s People are, with the disintegrating quality of life, the unfairness of the “system” and its players’ treatment of the People, the constant state of warfare and endless destruction of life and of the People’s lands. The globalists know that the People are getting combative, because they are becoming much better informed as to what is going on, and how corrupt and CRIMINAL this “world system” is. The globalists know that their power is being openly challenged by an ever-increasing number of very unhappy People. They know that the “world wide web” has become an exceptional tool and learning resource for up-to-the-minute updated info on what is happening around the world. The globalists know that they are having to change tactics, and become more innovative in exerting their power over the People of this world. They are also having to devise new ways of hiding the mechanisms of their control. – I very seriously doubt that these globalists are really in any state of panic (another well-performed public image) over their control system being actively challenged. They have usually been several steps ahead of the rest of humanity. With the incredible rise in surveillance technologies, and how to more-discreetly employ them, they are constantly knowledgeable on the latest trends in human behavior, and the general attitudes of the human population.


Having “elections” step up the excitement, create the “hopeful” atmosphere, and various other cunning forms of emotional-manipulations, these globalists have once again shown how masterful they are, at controlling the human population through constant manipulation. This being very much the part in the Grand Illusion, that very aware folks like Jon Rappoport, Dr. Ron Paul, and a few others have thought of as “The Matrix”. (This, in reference to the movie mini-series by that name.) – The problem is, if you partook of this shameful, illusion-of-choice “election” of 2016 (or many previous ones) without realizing the falsehoods behind them, did you REALLY take the “Red Pill”??? – Is taking any of these proverbial “Pills”, doing any good?

Do any of you even remember, let alone KNOW, that Dr. Ron Paul ran for President of the United States, three times, and THREE TIMES, the “media” did not even acknowledge his candidacy until late in the game? The media even refused to acknowledge Dr. Paul’s stunning victories in the various “straw-polls”, leading up to the primaries. Yet, Mr. Donald Trump was supposedly so hated for his “anti-establishment” talking-points and rhetoric, that the media spent countless hours on negative publicity of him and his campaign (think: “FREE-PUBLICITY”)!?!? – What’s more, the “seismic shift” of the “election” exit polls? ? ? – Something fishy here, perhaps? ? ?


The usual public reaction upon “reporting” the final exit poll results! – That was the masterpiece of this wonderful illusion-of-choice, we call “elections”. What’s more, EVEN much of the “alternative media” got behind the wheel in helping to steer public opinion towards “the underdog candidate”! ! ! – PURE BRILLIANCE of executing a well-played, well-scripted illusion-of-choice, we call “elections”! – Does this not smell of something funny to you? ? ? Does this not have a familiar ring, from events of past “elections”? ? ? Do you not feel like you were played for fools, as I did for even a short time? ? ?

Dr. Ron Paul nailed it on the head, on his website several months ago: “America may be in for a big disappointment come election day.” – NICE, Dr. Paul! I’d say YOU nailed it right on the head!

From my taking a “wait-and-see” attitude, and “giving the Donald a chance”, has served me well to cause me to “back up, and regroup”, and really SEE the Big Game as it has been played upon America AND the world. Just seeing some of the earliest choices for cabinet-level positions, has had me very concerned at what these united states of America face after Inauguration Day of 2017! This Nationalists’ “Dream Team”, also looks more like a “War-Hawks’ Dream Team”, a “Corporatists’ Dream Team”, a “Privatizationists’ Dream Team”, and “More Corporate-Welfare Dream Team”, an “Israel-Firster Dream Team”, and a “Facists’ Dream Team”! – Each and every future “appointment”, has some serious history behind him/her, and none of it very good for this “Land of The Free, Home of The Brave”!

Think about it for a moment. Where does John Bolton fit in, when it comes to the grand game? How about Frank Gaffney? What about William Kristol? So far, ALL THREE of these folks are part of the list of authors of the dreaded “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: A Project for the New American Century”, published on the AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE’s (A.E.I.) website! ! ! – These three are pro-war, neo-con, neo-feudalists! – Is THAT the sort of people we, as a Nation, want deciding policy for the next four or even eight years? ? ? Then, we have Senator Jeff Sessions, a definite pro-war, neo-con, neo-feudalist type! Then, *** GASP!!! ***, we have Ingrid Newkirk as a ‘possible’ cabinet-level pick? I seriously hope not! She is one of those who wishes to get government to outlaw any and all forms of human interaction with ANY non-human animals! This EVEN GOES FOR COMPANION ANIMALS AND ANY THERAPY WHICH INVOLVES HUMAN AND ANIMAL INTERACTION! Nevermind that some of today’s brighter areas of modern medicine, has seen animal-based human therapy as exceptionally beneficial and healing (we are talking physical, emotional, and social therapies, where (non-human) animals play a very big part in the healing process). Yet, the folks like Ms. Newkirk, many members of P.E.T.A., and EVEN the infamously corrupt A.S.P.C.A. see ANY human-and-animal interaction as detrimental to the (non-human) animals, and a violation of the (non-human) animals’ rights! As to Ret. Lt.Gen. Michael Flynn, being billed as “anti-ISIS”, I have major concerns of him also being very pro-war, with some neo-con slant. Call me paranoid, but the fact does not change that we are STILL talking “Washington insiders” making up a considerable portion of what is shaping up to be the next administration. As to Mike Pompeo, I am very troubled on his continued support of the high-tech surveillance “police-state” that we are having to endure now. It was already bad enough that the Obama Administration saw to it, that the “surveillance state” continued to grow, far beyond any reasonable boundary necessary for “national security”. So, Mr. Pompeo’s stance on this issue has me seriously concerned if the United States of America will ever get to enjoy the right of privacy again. I am still out looking for more info on Mr. Steve Bannon. I have not been too impressed with Breitbart “News”, over the years, and especially with its subtle, but noticeable “neo-con” slanted view of the issues. It seems that when Andrew Breitbart (the site’s founder) was murdered (as I see it), his legacy “news” organization greatly changed in its way of reporting. Either way, it looks like another set-up upon America in the making!

I’d hate to be the one to say it, folks but . . .


It makes NO DIFFERENCE to simply trade in one globalist puppet for another! Something that I really wish the “alternative media” would rather have not forgotten, in this frenzied “cult-of-personality” that occurred this last “election” season (as has been the case in many previous “election” seasons). No matter which direction the exit-poll results were swayed, the “Matrix” is still the ultimate winner, NOT the People! Time to wake up, People. If your “vote” really meant anything, if your desire for changes for the better was a real passion, if your heart really was set on making life better, not only here in America, but the around the world in general, YOU would be an active player in that process of change! Our “officials”, in their present capacity, and in the fact that they are still “human”, and prone to those very same human tendencies of being corruptible, should NOT be the ones to be held responsible for those changes YOU seek. YOU, ME, and all individual human beings should be an active part of the process of those changes. So long as we continue to trust others to do FOR us, that which WE should be doing on our own, we will continue to be betrayed by those who have expertly USED our feelings and emotions against us, and used our political processes as a distraction from our REAL responsibilities.

When one begins to fully understand the concept of “controlled-opposition”, and one begins to see controlled “elections” (and the media-controlled selection of ‘candidates’ to parade before the people), one can finally come to realize how PHONY the whole “election” process really is! ! ! – This is also a world-wide program. When we have the proverbial “left” on the one side, and the proverbial “right” (or, supposed “alt-right” by the controlled leftists) on the other, and we have the master “string-pullers” controlling BOTH (as IF there was really any substantive difference whatsoever) parties, sides, or factions (whichever term works best, here), does it REALLY make much difference when the program of “GLOBALISM” still proceeds ahead, as planned, regardless how fast or how slow its progress? This is very much like being presented with the choice of what color chains shall you willingly accept? There is NEVER any mention of, “WHY are ANY chains necessary nor warranted”? TRUE Freedom is NOT for sale, at ANY price!

We, The People are supposed to be the guarantors of our liberties and freedoms.

Our Nation’s Original Founders had those thoughts and beliefs, centuries ago. They communicated those beliefs and rationales through their various memoirs, speeches, and through the various charters they formed. They perfectly understood the absolute need for an informed and very involved public, when it came to safeguarding the very rights, freedoms, and liberties they themselves held so dear and inviolate. They understood the historic fact that governments, of every stripe, color, and type could easily devolve into tyranny and despotism, if left to their own devices, because of a disinterested, uninvolved People. Why “vote” for more slavery, more taxes, less freedom, fewer choices, more war, and more death? ? ? Why even vote at all, if you are not even going to accept that “voting” is only A PART OF YOUR “CIVIC DUTY”? The rest of these “civic duties” should also include; constantly keeping your officials accountable to the Rule of Law (that is, the “Common Law”, NOT fiat law), reminding them of their duties towards their fellow countrymen in favor over their own personal interests, honor and keep their solemn oaths – even “campaign promises”, to foster the enshrined principles of “Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness” that helped to make this Nation great, and guard against tyranny in even the smallest crevices of society. – If WE are NOT actively doing these things, as we go about our daily lives, then we are giving our consent to being controlled (“governed”) by the whims of those in power.

Thus, this past “election” season should be as a reminder to us all, to not let ourselves be distracted from our TRUE responsibilities: “Guaranteeing our own freedoms and liberties, as well as those of others, by keeping constant vigil, even when things get chaotic. These are NOT responsibilities to be so easily handed over to those in
positions of authority and public trust!

That includes toward the future President of our Nation, and beyond.

Be smart, America! Be wise, be wary, be vigilant, and be ever watchful, in safeguarding our own freedoms and liberties, because the tyrants ever labor, through day and night, to devise new ways, to enslave us all, and keep us ignorant of the fact! – PLEASE, don’t go back to sleep, now! Just because the “elections” are over, and “the game” is on the T.V., does NOT mean it is time to relax, and let the “system” do its thing! Too many times, do our “elections” end up being like “beauty pageants” and “who can out swing whom” trials, instead of really getting down to actual solutions and reforming or abolishing bad policy. This political pendulum swinging of “left-and-right-and-back-again” has done much to confuse and distract from the most pressing issues: Our National Pride, Our economic viability, The alienation of Our Individual AND Collective Natural Rights, and most of all – Getting the U.S.A. OUT of the business of being the “world’s policeman”. These are just a few areas to start the changes for the better, but we really need to start somewhere. Those changes need to be because of all of us, and our commitment to BEING that change. We can not trust our destinies to those in office, without our being ever-so-watchful of them.

WE need to stay alert, in order to stay alive, or we WILL lose everything, and not even know it happened!

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye

Now, here we are, Wed/May 6th, 2020,

  • We have even MORE citizens in the “poor -house”, while the big-tech companies get to import an almost endless supply of cheaper foreign labor – all because they are supposedly “more skilled” than Americans,
  • We have MORE medical cartelization and corruption, which has lead to these private enterprises being able to profit from their pushing of very toxic “medicines” upon us all, while destroying the last amount of knowledge on the better, more-natural medicines,
  • We have MORE political and economic cronyism – especially in Washington DC, where our politicians and other government employees are even allowed to be awarded patents – which were originally developed and funded by taxpayer’s money,
  • We have MORE worries of possible wars with other countries, nations, etc, which goes right in line with a very aggressive “foreign policy” (“Speak softly, but carry a big stick!“),
  • We are MORE likely to see government-mandated “health-care” treatments, etc, as if “Obamacare” was not already expensive and destructive enough, it was still never completely fixed nor repealed – but – virtually EXPANDED (complete with the “End of Life Care” protocols, but NOT any Life-Saving therapies!),
  • We have even FEWER legal and other lawful protections of our Rights, Freedoms, and Liberties, the “police-state” mentality has never gone away – only intensified with this BS “pandemic” – Authoritarianism on steroids, folks,
  • We have MORE mass-migration inbound into the USA, all so that the “investors” can make bigger profits, even in one of the latest BLOOMBERG articles – gleefully admitted, and cheered on,
  • We have even FAR MORE political and ideological censorship, under the rubric of “fake news”, “disinfo”, and other bland excuses to keep out opposing viewpoints,
  • We even less say-so over the contents of our food (IE: The Pro-GMO lobby has a wide open door to do whatever they want, without accountability),
  • We are even CLOSER to the realization of mass-mandated vaccination, all with hurriedly-developed, inadequately tested and certified “vaccines”, that We The People will not be able to sue against, or even opt-out of,
  • We are STILL waiting for the Clintons and their fellow cronies to be publicly brought up on charges, and indicted for the many voluminous crimes against America and humanity itself,
  • We are STILL seeing more inherent, “deep-state swamp-creatures” running our nation (and its states) full gallop into a world-wide totalitarian hellhole, and the current “president” is appearing to be more “onboard” with this trend – with each and every executive order, and each and every salacious and treasonous bill he signs,

So yeah,

I’m very, VERY bitchy about the whole mess, and for very, VERY good, personal reasons to be so outraged. Each and every US Military veteran should be also, because Our Oath to uphold, defend, and protect under the Constitution of the United States, and of the several States – DID NOT have an expiration date! Plus, that oath covered both enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.

Here we are, nearly four years later (after the previous presidential election), and just WHERE and HOW have we ended up, as a nation? ? ? ARE we any freer and more liberated than before? ARE we really doing better economically and financially (and we’re NOT talking anything about the biggest fraud of a “stock market” either!) ? CAN we truly look into our children’s eyes and honestly tell them “We are leaving them a world better than how we found it“? ARE we truly in any way better off, in considerations towards world peace? ARE we even sure that we are safer than we were “yesterday”?

I don’t know about anyone else, but right now – I feel even LESS SAFE in my home Nation, when I know Our Rights, Freedoms, and Liberties seem to mean so little to most – as they would so callously trade them away – for an “ounce of safety”!

The Honorable Mr. Benjamin Franklin’s prophetic warning has come home to roost, along with the cockerels:

– “For those who would trade a little liberty, for a little security,
Deserve and soon shall have neither!



  1. Unlike poli-tics, how many people have direct access to this “deadly” mercury? Not many.

    But my recent research (ongoing) shows that mercury may NOT be as dangerous as even I learned.
    All things are NOT “doom and gloom” – even if they are popular ideas.


    • Mercury is a PROVEN neuro-toxin.

      It’s toxicity is second only to Plutonium, and far more toxic than Lead.

      The problem is, when Mercury becomes accumulated in the body, because it can be “stored” within the fatty tissues and bones. In the mean time, it is damaging the neurons and nerve-endings, by causing them to “fall apart” – as the nerves can not heal properly due to this interference by Mercury ions.

      Mercury’s toxicity is historically known. Ever heard of “Mad Hatter’s Disease”? – A good research point here.


Love to hear your thoughts.