And so It Begins: Tomorrow’s Soldiers I

As I have just learned today,

Now, the Veteran’s Administration has gone so far as to completely shut down an honorable, long-time tradition this year, all based on the “coronavirus problem” – >> So, I am to take it that our past heroes in uniform, who lost their lives fighting for what they believed to be “protecting our nation and its people”, are to no longer receive the honors and rite of having the flag they died for – no longer be placed upon their graves? And, all because of a hyped-up “coronavirus problem”, when such actions were NEVER taken in the shadow of far worse national problems? ? ? – What has this nation come to?

Suffolk County’s Executive, Steve Bellone told Fox 7, “If we can’t figure out a way to make sure we are placing flags at their graves to honor them, then something is seriously wrong.

What we’re asking the VA to do is, rather than have a blanket policy across the country, allow the national cemeteries at the local level, to make this determination in conjunction with the local health department,” he continued. “We will take the responsibility to say that this flag placement plan meets the state and national guidelines but give us that opportunity to do it, allow us to honor our fallen heroes.

We just commemorated VE Day, this is the generation that lived through the adversity of the great depression, they won World War Two. What is it going to say about our generation if we can’t figure out a way to honor the greatest generation by placing flags at their graves on Memorial Day?” asked Bellone.

On another note:

Something I have noticed, ever so very few in the “alt-media” are talking about:

What has appalled me to no end, is that the current crisis has been used for excuses for virtually EVERY upending policy decision. Conveniently, everything that is being forced to change, as well as the continued campaign of enforcing “social-distancing” measures, and other various social-isolation policies. So WHEN do people finally start to get even so much as restive and suspicious of the “program”? ? ?

On the current “military front”, as to its current policy:


So one may ask themselves, “Now WHY would our military services do that?” I thought that once someone defeated and survived this “COVID-19”, that they would have an immunity and resistance built up to it? So if someone tested “positive” for the antibodies to the virus, and they have effectively recovered from it – then WHY ban them for life from serving in our military?

Then, we have already mentioned some about the serious problems of accuracy and usefulness of the results of these “COVID Tests”. Though there have been plenty of others who have done a far more detailed analysis of this problem, I have come to understand even more that the heavy reliance of these test results, is what is being used to decide policy and “recommendations”! So WHAT gives? ? ?


Now we can add THIS subject to the list of problems we will ALL be facing in the very near future:



Oooooo! Are THESE some of the reasons why? Is it perhaps the beginning of the end of “organic militaries”? Are we starting to see what the typical 21st Century military is going to look like? I remembered, from some years ago, that there was active research and development of robotic technology, especially for the “intended” use of such things as being deployed to detect and disarm mines and minefields, as well as be able to function in NBC (Nuclear, Biological,  and/or Chemical) environments. I was also aware of the intention of deploying UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or “Drones” to combat zones for added support as well as reconnaissance missions. But now, are we seriously looking at completely replacing living, breathing, thinking human soldiers on the battlefield and elsewhere the military forces may be called upon to function? – I don’t know about any of you, but I can seriously say: I DO NOT LIKE WHERE THIS IS HEADING!

A little bit of a summary of human history and “defense forces”:

Our various military forces, throughout human history, were supposed to be for the defense of the land, nation, empire, and whatever have you. The idea of an organized national defense was a fairly sound idea, PROVIDED that there was, in fact, an existential threat to the safety and well-being of the nation and its people. This was especially true when the source of the threat was credible, and was an “external” threat, IE: a belligerent nation-state seeking to commence war against the said nation. In times of peace, there was really very little need for the added expenditures for maintaining an active military force. This was why our own Constitution limited appropriations for a military force to a period of two years, or so long as the external threat was still present. Even then, there were very strict measures expected as for how such military assets would be used, and for what purpose. The only exception to the time-limiting of appropriations otherwise, was to maintain an active navy to patrol and safeguard our territorial waters (the seas, etc).

Our Nation’s Founders were already well aware of the dangers to liberty and freedom, that an ever-present, “standing military” posed to the People. Therefore, their warnings against the permanent stationing of active military in our midst, was considered unacceptable and unsupported buy the principles, in which a Free Representative Republic stood for. Remember, it was up until the end of WW II – that our militaries were under what was then called “The War Department”. After the ending of WW II, the War Department was re-designated as the “DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE”. Unfortunately, this was also the time frame that our standing militaries now become a permanent fixture of our national society. Our Nation’s Founders, and the People of those times, naturally had distrust towards full-time “professional soldiers” in their midst. It was expected that if there was no war, there was no need to continue to support active duty soldiers on American soil. Everyone was expected to already be productive and maintaining a living in the common markets.

This was also the times when our militaries gradually saw their “tasking” expanded to other areas, to include policing or assisting the policing functions – which should have remained solely with the civilian law enforcement functionaries. The militaries also saw a gradual expansion of abilities as well as responsibilities into other areas not intended for them by the nation’s founding! This even included surveillance of civilian affairs and communications, assisting federal and state authorities in crowd-control efforts, as well as various “national disaster” operations and efforts. Many of the states’ militias (“National Guards”, etc) have been effectively merged with the national forces (post-911 USA PATRIOT ACT provisions made it so) to also effect the changes in the whole military missions. Many have rightly taken alarm to these developments, and referred to them as “mission creep”.

Now, we see more of the trend towards merging our national military assets into a global cooperative force, referred to as a “peace force” (NATO being a prime example). This gradual push towards a global security force, by the merger of many of the nation-states’ military assets, to be held under the command of foreign entities should have everyone greatly concerned! The current state of affairs in this world have consistently and constantly deteriorated, and descended more towards a more authoritarian one. In what was supposed to be an effort to ensure peace around the world, since the inception of the UNITED NATIONS (modeled after the failed LEAGUE OF NATIONS concept from WW I era), has instead turned into more warfare, and strife inflicted upon the various nations of the world, by those who have the greatest amount of military and economic power. The end object appears more and more, to be heading towards the control and policing of the general civilian population.

So why is there a problem with replacing human soldiers with robots you ask?

What generally limited the spread and expansion of the measures taken in acts of war, as well as limiting how long such wars were to be conducted, had more to do with the “human element”. Though, there are a few who have no problems killing and destroying the lives of others, all for the sake of the act. There are many who still retain some of the (human) qualities of conscience, as well as perhaps the ideal that human beings were not intended to slaughter one another or long periods of time. This is especially the case when many of the soldiers being to ask why they are expected to continue fighting and killing an enemy, when the proposed enemy is no longer realized as a threat to themselves nor towards their own nations. Plus, it is a commonly known fact that the longer a war progresses, the more likely that problems and occurrences of mutiny and desertion are likely to happen, especially when the average foot soldier begins to question the validity of the reasons given for “continuing the mission”.

The you have other human limitations, which can and often DO frustrate the continuation of the war fighting effort. Human beings do fatigue, and grow weary when subjected to the harsh environment and conditions they find themselves in. Then you have the problem of contracted illnesses as well as a plethora of injuries (to include the “invisible injuries”) as resulting from having to contend with and survive in such aberrant conditions. Many soldiers, over time, will also become “home-sick”, and long to return to those surroundings and people most familiar to them. These make the thinking even louder, as to whether this is a point-less war, or if there is any resolve to conclude it. Such questions only become louder, when the leadership is less than forthcoming with straight, honest answers. So it is expected for thinking, cognizant human beings to eventually question the motives of their leadership, and why the soldiers are expected to “obey without question”.

So as we see, there are all sorts of risks to the institution of war. Most of those, are on the basis of conflicting with the natural “Human Nature” of thinking. We must also take into account, the basic necessities of the human being. If there is a disruption in supplying for those necessities, then war effort becomes more untenable, and far less manageable by the leadership. So, the many who champion this constant state of warfare from the sidelines, seem to take very little stock on the actual costs of maintaining the war-footing for long periods of time. As most of history’s observant military and political leaders have known, the long, drawn out version of warfare is very costly, not only in terms of the economic costs which burden the nation-state, but also the political costs, social costs, and the actual costs in human lives, on and off the battlefields. It is from the realization of these expenses(especially the toll of human lives), that “public opinion” can turn very unfriendly towards those who command that these wars continue unabated.

Now, we enter into a new age, and our 21st Century military:

In my readings of some of the proposed military strategies for the future (which is now – 2020), from such notable books like: “The Third Wave”, “Tomorrow’s Soldier”, “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”, and many similarities – I have taken notice to the drastic changes in political and public policies along these trends. Virtually ALL of these resources and stated pronouncements, weigh heavily towards the globalization (global-consolidation) of the military forces and the decision-making behind their employment. It becomes more obvious as to what purposes our various, consolidated militaries will be used for in the foreseeable future, again which is coming into fruition now at 2020. The main object is to use all of the military and “policing” assets to exert more fine-grained, but thorough control of the world’s human populace! This is a process that has been in a slow form of execution, over the duration of many years. It has been carried out as a series of progressive steps, where the former plans and objectives, were used to build up the next stages of the “global plan”. This has been reiterated again and again in various publications like “The Economist”, “Foreign Affairs”, “Popular Mechanics”, “Popular Science”, “Soldier of Fortune”, and repeated in bits and pieces in the “New York Times”, “Washington Post”, “The New American”, “Wall Street Journal”, and most other national publications. The various “think tanks” like the “Rand Corporation”, “National Center for Security Policy”, “Council on Foreign Relations” (and its European counterpart – the “Royal Institute of International Affairs”), “Club of Rome”, “Bildeberg” (though not officially recognized?), “Trilateral Commission”, “America Enterprise Institute”, the “Brookings Institute”, and a whole gamut of other organizations. They ALL virtually say the very same thing, as to the future of human existence: “The proposed need to control the entirety of the human population“.

So, as part of that process, in order for the “powers that be” to realize any significant gains towards this end object, is eventually phase out the need to use human beings on the enforcement end of these policies. They are already well aware that as the “process” of the “plan” matures into a more-robust system of total control, that more human beings, even those who are right now still serving within the system, will eventually decide to no longer partake in the scheme. As if we do not already see “their” system of control receiving backlash and even beginning to fissure and crack, it is because more of the participants are starting to realize that even THEY are not safe from it! So, when many more of the lower- and mid-level “management” folks are starting to seriously question the validity of their own role in the final end product, the system of a total control-grid, of course they will have serious reservations about remaining within it – at great personal risk! Now, we enter the “robot citizen” to do the dirty work of the global cartel.

The proposed solution to the “human problems”:

As anyone intimately knowledgeable and aware of, in concerns to machines, technology, and even computerized devices would (or SHOULD) know, is that artificial machines do NOT possess the capacity, nor any capabilities of emotions, feelings, conceptual thinking, creativity in the genuine sense, and no “sense of Self”. Their level of judgment is very basic, and purely on the basis of logic. Machines do not reason. Machines do not “think on their own” as a natural being habitually does. Machines are programmed for specific tasks and are only able to operate within the limits of its programming, and within the physical limits of its design. THAT is also the reason for the extensive amount of research and large amounts of funding into those research projects, to try to create machines and devices that are capable of a far greater level of computing power, calculations, and complex problem-solving skills, but never truly a match for the raw abilities of an organic mind. This also precludes the possibilities of machines “going rogue” purely on their own volition. Basically speaking, a machine does EXACTLY as it is instructed, based on its set programming.

What is most distressing about much of conditioned humanity today, is how so many people can become emotionally attached to machines in their environment! This become even more observant with the invention and mass-marketing of what I call “Robo-pets”, or “virtual pets”. The innovation and mass-usage of virtual reality products has also become commonplace, as our technological society becomes more intertwined with our person lives. This process was a slow-progression into what we have today. The social-networking aspect of the Internet has become so ubiquitous, that most have no second thoughts about using them for connecting with others, before they would even consider meeting the other people in person! Enter this “pandemic”, and all of its attendant “social-control” measures, which has effectively confined human expression to using the very controlled forum of the “big social-networking” entities, in which to “connect” with other human beings. When “virtual reality” is given more credibility than THE reality within the human mind, then the distinction between the two becomes even more blurred. Such social-conditioning becomes, itself, like the mental prison in one’s own mind. This also has the effect of projecting an aura of authority, over the individual’s own life choices. Thereby, the People become more enthralled and enamored with the technology as their “master”. The global powers know this, because this is what they had in mind so many years ago, for the human population. As more machines take the place of human activity, especially in commerce and in industry, and are able to function and perform at a far less cost to the businesses and organizations, the human aspect becomes valued even less as a productive entity. The same can be said for military functions, law enforcement functions, and virtually any other commonplace occupation – which has satisfactorily proven to be done – using one or more machines!

So where does that leave human beings in the sum total of the “big picture”? – As “excess inventory”, OR as Dr. Eric Pianka once quipped: “A disease, virus”. Now, back to the subject of our military’s blanket policies of rejecting anyone who simply tests “positive” for the “COVID-19”, regardless of one’s state of immunity, the only explanation that can reasonably and rationally be arrived at: “Replace them with robots, which will never get sick, need to take time off, and will never need to be paid or cared for in the same way that living human beings need.” Sounds like a good idea to some. However, is it really a sound policy when we take the “human factor” out of war-fighting, law-enforcement, and other administrative and enforcement responsibilities? If we allow this without a question, then WHO will be the ones to oversee the overseers? WHO will be able to hold the leadership to account for how these machines (like the given example of “Robo-soldiers”, “Robo-cops”, etc) are to be used, and where there is a limit to what they will be used for? WHO will be held accountable if something goes wrong with the machines that results in an excessive use of deadly force? WHO will be held to answer for, if say – innocents end up being hurt, maimed, or even killed by one or more of these machines in the conduct of their programmed duties? – These are questions that are never entertained in the public sphere, and most definitely NOT asked by the “media”, nor ever entertained by the so-called “experts” who are pushing for the “modernization” of our public infrastructure! If we are talking of machines, which are designed for certain purposes, and have capabilities that are far in excess, physically, of human capabilities, what stops the “powers that be” from going further forward in creating AI-controlled assassins, for the purposes of removing declared obstacles like rebels, protestors, and other kinds “non-compliant” individuals? Once this command-and-control structure is fully in place, and our governing systems complete the change over to the “digital democracies” we have been warned about, what is to prevent the sheer abusive practices of political and social control, purely on the whims of those who pull the strings of power, and enforcing those arbitrary measures with programmed machines of death? ? ?

If you want my summary observations of this subject, WELL – here is my summation of the total set of problems as I see them:

The old concept of “power corrupts”, and “absolute power corrupts, absolutely” has its forebodings within those words. Though, “power” itself, is not solely the corrupting principle. It is the LOVE OF POWER, FOR POWER’S SAKE that is the huge problem! Human Nature has its weaknesses, but intelligent and rational minds, based on science, commonsense, compassion, and recognizing that human beings do have faults, is the answer to addressing these faults. Being knowledgeable of these faults, and being resolute in not falling prey to the enticements that may cause us to act out on the basis of these faults, is what determines what kind of being are likely to become.

Our world’s political and social control systems were cultured and grown, over time, because too many of the “we” people paid no attention. We failed ourselves, repeatedly, to respect the fact that those who have placed themselves above the rest of humanity, have fallen into the mental “ego-trap”, and have decided that their words are law, and that We The People have again, paid no mind to these developments. Now, it is those who self-proclaim to be “leaders” above all, who now have at their disposal, the technology and the means to acquire and grow their evolving system of control powers, and are able and capable of exercising, purely on their whim, the actions of their dictates! If we let these folks continue with their “program”, their next step in the evolutionary process of control, is to make their hellish dreams for us a regrettable reality! So much for the ideas of a “Utopia”. This “Utopian” ideal means most of the human population will be removed, all the while the wealthiest and most powerful few – will be the ones to inherit what is left of this world. – We will ALL share in the blame, of allowing this trend to continue to its fruition!

A fully AI-mechanized military force, under the control of psychopathic “leaders”, WILL BE MANKIND’S ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION. – After all, “they” have told us this for many years, and even written novels, produced movies, and even splayed advertisements all over the place – telling us what they are dreaming FOR us all. Add this “program” to the idea of “saving the Earth” to the mix: YEAH! “Saving the Earth” for THEMSELVES, while destroying anything even remotely Natural about it! What’s more, this “pandemic” has become a well-designed excuse for all of this “modernization” of society, as well as the “perfect cover” for whatever else they have planned for the remaining human survivors. After all, “they” have also told us all, for many years, of this “dream” of theirs! Think I’m joking? ? ?

To all the currently-human soldiers, police officers, and all other related occupations and specialties:

– “If you really give a shit about your fellow human beings, and nation in general, you had best wake the hell up, NOW! Your jobs will eventually make YOU – a human being – irrelevant, and redundant! If you truly value your families, and the future of your children and grandchildren, it’s time you take a firm stand, and help all of us put an abrupt STOP to all of this mechanization, before it is too late!!!”

And then,

– “There are those will just NEVER get it!”



Love to hear your thoughts.