About Me and Why this Blog.

Being that this shall be my first post to this blog (I actually have my own elsewhere on the web),

A Green Chinese Dragon

I wanted to start things off with a slight intro into who I am, and what it is I do. I am ordained minister of several years, who holds no ties nor exclusive preferences towards any specific religion (except, my OWN), tradition, sect, or any other denomination. My spiritual path really has no comparison to any of these, because it is purely of my own beliefs. I do practice arts from various different traditions, cultures, sources, etc. I believe fully that the more one expands his/her “horizons” in learning, the better one’s understanding in the end.

I also consider myself to be a “dragon-kin”. That is, one who feels “out-of-place” being incarnated into a human body. I have had many dreams and images of dragons, most of my “human” life, almost to the clarity of memories. (Some of them definitely felt like memories!) So not only do I feel as though I am “linked” to dragons and dragon-spirits, but they also feel like close family to me. Therefore, I am considered as a “child of the dragons”. (Which many of today’s fundamentalists would either laugh at, to the levels of “gaffaws”, and others would be horrified to hear such things.) This all matters not to me, because their religions are no longer my religion. Their religions are the main reasons why I needed to find my own, whether it be in the “concrete-jungle”, or out in the backwoods.

Over the years, I saw that there may have been need of others to be able to meet and talk with those of like minds and spiritual inclinations. After all, wouldn’t that make us “brothers and sisters” all the more so? To begin my part in helping to bring clarity and respect to and for one another, and of our dragon-spirituality, that is why I started up a virtual temple (in the hopes of someday, having a real physical location for an actual temple) to begin collecting ideas and others’ perspectives on what it is like to “be a dragon”. I can tell from my own experience, it was never easy. It was sometimes very heart-wrenching, and very painful to have the “nerve” to “come out into the open”. It is never easy to feel vulnerable by opening yourself up to others (even if you really, REALLY trust them with your life), while still living in a very cold and harsh world.

There is a certain exercise of faith, that your trusting someone else with your deepest secret will not have you end up getting burned. I have seen friends, whom I have known for years, just suddenly one day – turn their backs to me in my moment of great need. This seems to happen right on schedule, just as “Murphy” said it would, EVERY TIME! (This alluding to “Murphy’s Law”.) It is tough to tell if you end up having to fight off the stings from others’ sheer disbelief, horror, insults and mockery, or “hellfire-and-brimstone” speeches that seem to shave years off of your (formerly-healthy) life. Just as all growing pains and healing, the pain only lasts a short while if you are taking you “medicine”, in this case – facing that which you fear – head-on – and OWN IT! If you own your “demons” and shadows, it is a whole lot better than them owning YOU.

There are quite a few dragon-related sites out there, of various colors, stripes, flavors, etc. So one would probably be asking me, right now, “So why are you starting up another one then?” Because I can, and I can offer yet another insight into dealing with the unknown territory of “Draconity”, and what it takes to become at peace with oneself and actually begin enjoying life again – with a renewed sense of self-worth. Whether we are praying to the dragon-gods or other dragonic spirits, creating our own godhead(s) and communing with them, or even seeing the dragon as the limitlessness of possibilities and the vision to make those possibilities become real – it matters not at this point. What matters the most is not being afraid to be YOU, by however YOU see yourself, by what you see of yourself, by whatever means you accomplish the great things you can do, and with whomever (in the physical and/or in the spiritual realm) that empowers you to do.

I guess I can say that a little bit of all three of the aspects towards dragons is what I see.

  1. I commune with my friendly and familiar dragon spirits and agents thereof,
  2. I have probably created a “servitor” or two without putting too much conscious thought into it (I know – very dangerous and not very smart),
  3. And I see the “dragon” as a wide open pool of energy and the possibilities which are endless.

I think that being “of the dragons” does carry with it the great responsibility of knowing oneself, “gnothi sauton” in Old Greek. The more one comes to know him/herself, becomes more of one knowing and understanding more about the world around him/her. There is a great sense of power in the truthful “self-knowingness”, rather than the shallow narcissism that some others may display towards you, just out of spite or jealously towards your sense of inner-peace.  But it is always good to remember this also, that there is also a great sense of personal power in that silence between words, the pause between breaths, the quietude between thoughts. It is in that moment of silence, the true lurkings of inner-peace, that one could more easily hear the faint voice of wisdom. Wisdom often speaks barely above a whisper. When it is the ego being loud and boastful, is when one may miss the important lesson often tendered by the soft voice of wisdom. And THERE is the reason, AND the season, for that momentary silence.

– Be Blessed Always, and Much!

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye,
( Athauliz “Dragon’s Eye” (The) Firestorm )
Founder and Chief Elder-Dragon,
Temple of The Ancient Dragons.

One thought on “About Me and Why this Blog.

  1. Excellent. Really enjoying reading some of the posts on here. I’ve also had my own experiences with dragons in the past. If they feel like memories there’s probably something very important about them. Would love to discuss that a bit further at some point. Thanks for following the Late Hour Light.


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